Simply Birthdays Reminder 

What day of the week were you born on?  Your BirthstoneStar sign? Chinese Animal?  Get all this plus a Countdown Reminder and full Contacts Editor!

Up-coming birthdays

Simply Birthdays Countdown List

Fun facts

Simply Birthdays Fun Facts

Contacts viewer/editor

Simply Birthdays Contacts Editor

The safe, easy, and fun way to track your Birthdays Reminders (with Zodiac)

Safe:  Your contacts and birthdays are kept safe, private, and secure on your device, synced to all your account devices across iCloud.

Easy:  Birthday information in your Contacts can be easily added/edited directly from Simply Birthdays 

Fun: Select any of your friends or family and see all the fun facts regarding the day they were born

Simply Birthdays is a Birthdays App with days-to-go countdown and reminder alert, with fun facts

No ads!  No subscription!  and Private!  That makes it the best!

Are you concerned about giving away your private details?  You should be!

Your Contacts and birthdays belong on your device!  Safe, private, secure, and synced to all of your other Apple devices.

 - NOT on a remote 3rd party social-media server! (if you care about your privacy!)

 - NOT on an App that keeps its own separate address book! (your will lose everything if you deleted the App!)

Simply Birthdays Reminder manages the birthday detail directly from your Contacts database with a built in Contacts Editor



Main Birthday view

Contact Detail/Edit view

Contacts view